Welcome to IceClub.org

A World Wide Club to make you discover the best version of yourself.


I yearn to change the world, even though it may seem impossible. Nonetheless, I am determined to make a difference by positively influencing people's minds. I firmly believe that the key to unlocking our maximum potential lies in rejecting artificial chemicals that hinder our growth. Instead, I advocate for embracing our innate power within and pushing our limits through exercises, as well as the invigorating use of cold water to push the boundaries of our minds. This path, I have found, is the most effective way to impact the world: by changing one person's mind at a time. Embracing the challenge of the impossible, I am committed to the journey of bringing about meaningful change and leaving a lasting impact on those I encounter. Together, by empowering ourselves and others, we can transcend the barriers that hold us back and reach new heights of achievement. one person's mind at a time. Welcome to the worldwide community of IceClub.org

Pablo Alexander Tavitian - Founder IceClub.org

Forget About the PriceTag

ICEClub.org is 100% Free. You don’t need money to join this club. You just need a strong mindset and powerful conviction about the decisions you make and work in it even if the pain or the fears are telling us to stop.

Beat your Fears, Feel the Pain, Use the Brain:

Pain are just chemical messengers and electrical signals.

You are the commander, Take deep breaths for 40 seconds and exhale slowly.

brown and black turtle in water
brown and black turtle in water




Your body is capable of amazing things, all you need is the willpower to push past your limits!

Stay away from negative minds.

Every people we meet have a magnetic field. Some are Strongs and another’s are weak. The frequency of your heart controls this field. Don’t allow negative people to surround you too much. Be wise with the energy you allow to have around you.

Watch your food carefully

Is not what we eat, is what we diggest. We already know that we are what we eat, but in fact that’s not true. Is not the food we eat, is about how our digestive system can extract the nutrients ( vitamins, proteins,carbs) to put it in to the blood system and feed every single cell of your body

Your inner bacteria really matters.

In our guts lives more than 100 million of bacterias. When we introduce in to the body chemicals are not available in the earth like cyclamates and aspartame, we produce a massive disorder in the chemicals signals produced by the brain and the nervous system, recognizing artificial sugar like real sugar and send specific orders to the organs that doesn’t exist.


Our mission is to push the boundaries of human potential and explore the limits of physical and mental strength. Cold water immersion stimulates the body's regenerative processes, promoting overall health and vitality. By challenging ourselves to endure and adapt to the cold, we unlock hidden reservoirs of resilience and enhance our functional capacity.

Body Energy System

We recognize the importance of harmonizing the body's energy centers, known as chakras. Cold water immersion can help restore and balance these energy points, fostering a sense of equilibrium, clarity, and inner harmony. By immersing ourselves in the cold, we align our energy systems and enhance our overall well-being.-

Discover what is your more powerful chakra with Mayan Tzolking Astrology.

Embracing Natural Nutrition

At ICE Club, we advocate for a holistic approach to health, which includes nutrition. We prioritize consuming wholesome, natural foods that nourish our bodies without artificial chemicals and sweeteners. By adopting a clean and balanced diet, we support our bodies optimal functioning and maximize the benefits of cold water immersion, thoughts generator (frequency of the heart), and love for Planet Earth and all the Animals and Natural Plants who live in it.

sliced green avocado fruit
sliced green avocado fruit
yellow banana fruit on brown wooden table
yellow banana fruit on brown wooden table
red and black berries on black surface
red and black berries on black surface
clear water
clear water

Unlock Your Inner Powers

Step out of your comfort zone and embrace the transformative power of pushing your limits. Cold water immersion is not merely a physical challenge; it is an opportunity to tap into your mental strength, resilience, and determination. By challenging yourself, you unlock hidden potential and discover strengths you never knew existed.

a black and white photo of a body of water
a black and white photo of a body of water

And let's not forget

Vibe High and Connect

Beyond the individual benefits, we also strive to create a community of like-minded individuals who share a high vibration. Through our experiences with cold water immersion, we aim to connect with others who are on a similar path of personal growth and well-being. Together, we elevate our collective energy and create a positive and supportive environment.

You are not Alone!

silhouette of persons hand during sunset
silhouette of persons hand during sunset

club 15 minutes or more of inmersion

Connect with Like-Minded Individuals

Become part of the prestigious CLUB 15 Connect with fellow members who celebrate mental strength. Watch the music the other person is listening to if he allows you to do it. Ask to see his name, age, where she/he comes from, and more information about the person little by little.

Share the vibes Tap his Bracalet to access only to the music that person is listening to and start a new friendship by sharing musical vibes day by day.


SPAIN - Beta 1

Upcoming ...

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